One of the founders of Foursquare is Dennis Crowley. The other is Naveen Selvadurai. I know you didn't ask for both but I wanted to give them to you just in case. I hope this helps! (:
Answer: Agent P or simply Perry
Java Class given below
class ReadOnly
protected int val;
public ReadOnly(int arg)
val = arg;
public int getVal()
return val;
class ReadWrite extends ReadOnly
private boolean dirty;
public ReadWrite(int arg)
dirty = false;
public void setVal(int arg)
val = arg;
dirty = true;
public boolean isDirty()
return dirty;
Yes, it is correct. God is great. He gives pain but gives the ointment as well to get rid of it. God gives tougher challenges, but God also gives the guts to tackle them and win them. The story of adaptation, ad predator also goes like this. God gives spines to sea urchins to survive, and it gives the birds stronger beaks to break shells. Similarly, he gives programmers awesome brains to solve the toughest problems.
Please check the answer.
Overview In this project you need to design and implement an Emergency Room Patients Healthcare Management System (ERPHMS) that uses stacks, queues, linked lists, and binary search tree ( in addition you can use all what you need from what you have learned in this course ) The system should be able to keep the patient’s records, visits, turns, diagnostics, treatments, observations, Physicians records, etc. It should allow you to