Walking. Prehistoric humans came over on a land bridge between Russia and Alaska and worked their way down into south America.
"Thousands of Americans were killed, wounded, imprisoned, made gravely ill, or driven to death (suiside) by the war. The government finally abolished the draft, which had been a point of great controversy during most of the war (“Working Class War”), and placed limits on the president’s powers through the War Powers Act of 1973 (president must inform Congress within 48 hours of deploying troops and 90 day maximum deployment without Congressional approval). During much of the war, Americans were deeply divided (Living-Room War). Those who supported (hawks) and those who opposed (doves) the war often felt great hostility toward one another. Americans developed a more cynical attitude toward government and politicians as a result of war-related lies, deceptions, and questionable activities carried out by the Johnson and Nixon administrations (Pentagon Papers). Americans became more cautious about foreign policy decisions that might require sending US troops to intervene in other nations’ affairs."
(Found on Google)
The correct answer is D, it would have thrown off the balance of slave versus free states.