Green was dominant over yellow. So they were all green if you are talking about the first generation. The second generation would be a mix
Answer: The genotype ratio is 2Ff : 2ff
The phenotype ratio is two normal feathered birds to two silky feathered birds.
Explanation: Let F represent the gene for normal feather and f represent the gene for silky feather. F is dominant while f is recessive, therefore a male that is hybrid for trait of normal feather is heterozygous and will have a genotype of Ff, a female that is homozygous for silky feather will have a genotype of ff.
A cross between Ff and ff will yield 2Ff birds and 2ff birds. Since F is dominant, a bird having genotype of Ff will manifest outwardly as blue feathered birds while ff will manifest outwardly as silky feathered birds because f is recessive and must occur in a homozygous condition in order to manifest phenotypically. Therefore, the genotype ratio is 2Ff: 2ff.
See the punnett square attached for more information
NO, they should not.
Erythrocytes, leucocytes, and proteins (albumin)
are not small enough to pass through the capillaries of the
glomerulus unless there is damage to the glomerulus. However, glucose does pass through into the glomerular filtrate. Nonetheless, glucose is fully reabsorbed back in the proximal
convoluted tubule (unless you have severe diabetes).
Explanation:A mechanical wave requires an initial energy input. Once this initial energy is added, the wave travels through the medium until all its energy is transferred. In contrast, electromagnetic waves require no medium, but can still travel through one.
Magma and methane or both liquids because hamsters and toe nails will definitely not be liquids
Heat from the core
Outter and inner core