always be it and never fail
The free enterprise system is one influenced by the market, which will determine all economic variables, such as price, products and services, and is a system independent of government control to function.
Therefore, it is correct to state that in a free enterprise system, the offer and demand of the consumer for a product or service that will be the determinant of the success or failure of an organization.
As an example of an entrepreneur, we can mention Steve Jobs, who created one of the largest technology companies in the world, Apple. The free enterprise system was one of the reasons for Apple to succeed in becoming one of the most valued companies in the world, due to the fact that it brought innovative products to the market that became examples of products of value to consumers, which made company to grow and become so successful in the market. If the company operated in a government-controlled market, it would probably have to follow specific rules and restrictions for the production of its products that could limit the company, and its performance could be restricted and not as innovative as the company in the market, which is one of the reasons why it achieved success.
A firm's attempts to shorten the length of time a process takes may lead to disappointing outcomes because of time compression diseconomies.
What are time compression diseconomies?</h3>
- According to time compression diseconomies, which are defined as inefficiencies that arise when work is done more quickly, the cost of building a competency will rise exponentially as the amount of time permitted to do so decreases.
- Not every subsidiary deals with time compression diseconomies to the same extent.
- The date of a later subsidiary formation may affect how strong TCD is. Early-established subsidiaries may have greater TCD than later entries due to two factors.
- First, for late movers, vicarious learning may lower TCD. Second, TCD is made worse by the higher environmental uncertainty that early mover subsidiaries frequently experience.
- TCD explains why the well-studied relationship between the level of multi-nationality and business success is negatively moderated by the rate of overseas expansion.
To learn more about Diseconomies refer to:
The cost of goods sold would increase by $2
mission statement
A company's mission statement defines the reason why the company exists; what is its business (what product or service they provide), its objectives (or goals) and how they will reach these objectives. It should also include who's needs they are satisfying (target market).