D)slaves being free to join the Union army WAS THE RESULT
The first general issue postage stamps went on sale in New York City, July 1, 1847. One, priced at five cents, depicted Benjamin Franklin. The other, a ten-cent stamp, pictured George Washington.
The 2 conflicting sides was Christianity VS Evolution in this time period pretty much everyone was a supporter of Christianity and it was unholy to talk about anything that went against it.A substitute high school teacher John T Scopes apparently taught some evolution. He was then taken to court he claims he didnt actually teach human evolution but he purposely submitted to self incrimination ( to draw publicity) he was then fined 100$ The answer to your question Is Christianity VS Human Evolution
<span>The characteristic shared by both lyric poems and cinquains is both kind of poems depict the emotions, deep feeling and concerns of the narrator. These are simple poems to write and go a long way for the readers to make an emotional connection with the author.</span>