28-29 A ti te gustan los deportes?
-Si, a mi me gustan mucho.
30-31 A ti te gusta la ensalada y comes mucha. Pero a mi no me gusta
32. me gusta comer frijoles.
33. El arte me interesa mucho.
34. No me interesa las matematicas.
35-36 A ti te aburren tus clases? -No, a mi me interesan todas.
Hope this helped! :)
Hello Danny,
Soon I will be visiting Mexico. I am planning to go during the month of December or May. During winter the weather/climate at sometimes is warm. It can also be a bit cold at times. For the season of winter you need to use long sleeve shirts and long pants. During Spring the weather/climate is mostly hot and dry. But also at some times it can be a bit rainy
<span>There are certain Spanish verbs that require a specific preposition to be used after them. These prepositions must follow the verb form to join them to an infinitive, but they are usually not translated into English.
Why does the noble author give bomber to the indecisive wife?
1. Comer langosta es carisimo.
This sentence means - Eating lobsters is very expensive. Carisimo is the correct option here because jovenisimo means young, and ocupadisimo means busy, so obviously neither of those two other options fits this description given in the sentence.
2. Los camareros son trabajadorisimos.
This sentence means - The waiters are very hard-working. Trabajadorisimos is the correct option here because larguisimos means very large, and pequenisimos means very small, so obviously neither of those two options makes any sense here.
3. La chuleta de cerdo esta sabrosisima hoy.
This sentence means - The steak is very tasty today. Sabrosisima is the correct option here because felicisima means very happy, and enojadisima means very bored, so obviously those two options cannot fit the description in the sentence.
4. Las sillas del restaurante son comodisimas.
This sentence means - The chairs in the restaurant are very comfortable. Comodisimas is the correct answer here because nerviosisimas means very nervous, and riquisimas means very rich, so obviously they are wrong in this context.
5. Preparar una ensalada de frutas es facilisimo.
This sentence means - Preparing a fruit salad is very easy. Facilisimo is the correct answer because cortisimo means very short (used to describe people), and hermosisimo means very beautiful, so you can see those two don't sound correct.