Bio accumulation of DDT lead to bird eggs with weak shells and non viable offspring. The lethal effects of DDT on birds was first noted in 1950; scientists discovered that earthworm was accumulating the DDT pesticide and that the robins that were preying on the earthworms were been poisoned. Further research revealed that the chemical cause thinning of the egg shell and production of non viable offspring. The chemical has since been banned in USA.
produced at one at a time.
human egg are not produced only at one time.
Bolus is the food that is mashed up in your mouth. After it is digested in the stomach, the food is called chyme. Bolus is more alkaline than chyme because it is exposed to alkaline saliva.
The cells in the retina (called rods and cones) that convert light energy into nerve energy are called photo-receptor cells.
The answer is eggs
it produces eggs