Evolution - It occurs due to the continuous variations and diversifications coming from the past generations
Natural Selection - In this process, the individuals are naturally selected by the environment that fits in perfectly!
Evolution - Driven by natural selection
Natural Selection- Driven by new characters that are the results of mutations
Evolution - Duration of Action Acquires millions of years
Natural Selection - Can be done in a short duration
Evolution - Example ;- Darwin’s finches, bright-colored peacocks, Mexican cavefish, etc.
Natural Selection -Example ;- Tree-frogs are mostly eaten by snakes, giraffes with short and long necks, etc.
In a centrifuged sample of blood the PLATELETS should not be in the plasma portion of the sample. Centrifugation of blood samples separates the blood to its constituents on the basis of their densities. Platelets will be found on the middle region of the separation and not in the upper region where plasma is .