The scientific revolution, which emphasized systematic experimentation as the most valid research method, resulted in developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry. These developments transformed the views of society about nature.
Development & Use of Hieroglyphic Script Hieroglyphics developed out of the early pictographs. People used symbols, and pictures to represent concepts such as a person or event.The Egyptians developed the same system as the Sumerians but added logo grams which is (symbols representing words) and ideograms to their script.
General Porfirio Díaz
General Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico from 1884-1911, the Mexican Revolution was from 1910-1920
Sets Codes Of Conduct For Obeying Laws And Federal Laws
Because it requires us to make personal sacrifice to help other.
Christian charism is a concept in Christianity that refers to a power given by the holy spirit for us to be used on our day to day life.
Humans are naturally a selfish creature. We have a huge tendency to think only about ourselves while sacrificing other people. Having the kindness to sacrifice our own comfort for others can be seen as a sign of holy spirit entering our life. It gave Christians the strength to overlook their own needs for the benefit of others who might need it more.