The a is the best answers broski
It is the main message or idea the author is trying to convey to the reader. The theme is the author's opinion of the subject.
I should beable to stay home alone because i listen i know what bad and i know what right. I listen to ur instructions as i am told and do what i am told. I do the chores like u ask me to do. I try hard to listen the best i can and i do make some mistakes here and there but thats beside the point and theres more even than odds. I should beable to dtay home also becuause i am old enogh and smart enogh to know what i should and shouldnt do. For an example i know i cant watch tv all the time or play on my electronics 24 7. i also know not to let anyone in that i dont know and lock the door. And ofcourse i know all the rules that i need to follow. I should beable to stay home because i know whats right. i know that when im home alone i should always keep an eye out. i also know that i should get some extra chores done around the house so i can help u get a break. u work so hard so ill help u if u help me. So please let me stay home alone.
hope thats convincing and enough:P
They have different names and come from different familys
1. When Dally spots Cherry and Marcia at the movies, all he sees is another opportunity to make trouble. The two of them are Soc girls and given the history between the greasers and the socs, he wants to harass them. When Johnny asks him to leave the girls alone, Dally stomps off to find trouble elsewhere.