I'd say probably not. There's no room for any companies that are not owned by or allowed by the government. Mercantilists were interested mostly in exploiting peoples for natural resources. So no, it's not particularly fair to businesses or indigenous populations
Pax Romana --> The time of greatest achievement under the Roman Empire.
Republic --> A government run by representatives of that country's citizens.
Aqueduct --> A structure used for carrying water over long distances.
Foundation Myth --> A society's story about its origin.
The Pax Romana was a time of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire, a republic is a type of government where representatives that are chosen by citizens rule. Aqueducts were used by the Romans as a sewer system, they carried water.
With congress, the Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate ensured that no matter how big or small the state was they would receive 2 senators for each state,this pleased the small states, or the New Jersey plan. The House of Reps was made to satisfy the larger states or the Virginia plan where the number of Representatives would come from the population of the state.
the people gained the right not to pay unfair taxes so they really didnt have a reason to rebel