Mammals is the noun in the sentence
Meaning women should have more rights than they did
If you ever need another fresh pair of eyes for editing, let me know!
If the character starts and ends in the same place, the plot has gone in a circle. For example, if Charlie was having problems with his teacher at the beginning of the story, and the story talks about the many weeks he has tried to fix these problems, yet the story ends with him still not resolving these problems, the plot had gone in a circle. There is not resolution, no ending, no fix.
To my dear friend,
I am thrilled to tell you that I have won a scholarship to study abroad! While this is a very exciting opportunity, this will also be a very hard step for me to take. I am going to miss my family and friends terribly. I know I may always call or text them, but I'm so sad I won't be able to see them face to face. I will also miss my dog, Mr. Lady. Unfortunately, I'm unable to take him on this journey with me. But thank you so much for promising to care for him while I'm away! I'm sure the two of you will get along wonderfully. Please give Mr. Lady lot's of belly rubs for me! I must go pack my things now, but I'll write to you again soon.
Sincerely, your best friend