Salutary neglect was a large contributing factor that led to the American Revolutionary War. Since the imperial authority did not assert the power that it had, the colonists were left to govern themselves. These essentially sovereign colonies soon became accustomed to the idea of self-control.
<span>A. ending foreign control</span>
It brought people togethor and helped people from other countries get goods.
B. Colonists were outraged the taxation without representation by the British Parliament
C. Tensions were rising and both sides were guilty of the Boston Massacre
D. Loyalists think it is the patriots fault for startling the British soldiers and the patriots believe it is the British soldiers fault because they shot and wounded/killed innocent bystanders.
E. The audience are the colonists who are wanting to see the outcome of the trial and the people back in Britain who want to see what the colonists will do.
F. A feeling of injustice from both sides, and the captain uses this to sound unbiased because they are giving the opinion and feeling of both sides without giving more attention to either one.
1 To declare war and make peace.
2 To coin and borrow money
3 To detail with foreign countries and sign treaties
4 To operate post offices
1 The national government could not force the states to obey its laws.
2 It did not have the power to tax
3 It did not have the power to enforce laws
4 Congress lacked strong and steady leadership
5 There was no national army or navy
6 There was no system of national courts
7 Each state could issue its own paper money
<span>8 Each state could put tariffs on trade between states. (A tariff is a tax on goods coming in from another state or country.)</span>