Martin Luther was in fact the major founder o the Protestant Reformation--beginning with his famous "95 Thesis" which outlined why he believed the Church had "lost its way," and become corrupt and misguided. He was especially against the sale of indulgences.
That would be the case of "In re Lockwood 154 U.S." in which the court allowed states to determine the scope and the meaning of "person" which in this case the state of Virginia decided that the term "person" only applied to the males. Thus effectively until "Reed v. Reed" trial in 1971 the women were not legally "persons".
a Muslim title that means "successor" or "deputy" jihad.
Magellan proved Columbus' theory about the shape of the earth. He found an impractical water route to India. He also died before the journey was completed. The only thing that is not true is that Magellan sailed through the Isthmus of Panama.