The highest between 25 and 50;the lowest between 55 and 74
Runoff in neighborhoods can be a problem because as the water runs it can collect pollutants such as oil, pesticides, bacteria, etc. These pollutants can end up in our drinking water or can run into our fishing supply and even our swimming water... I wouldn't want to be swimming or eating fish that was swimming in pesticides and bacteria.
This is because the seven-sugar intermediate is synthesized by sugar addition to cytosolic-facing dolichol phosphate. The intermediate is flipped from the cytosol face of the ER membrane to the the luminal face. Additionally, the sugar additions then occur within the lumen of the ER. The short forms of the intermediate are on the wrong side of the membrane to add to nascent polypeptides within the ER lumen. Incomplete adductants within the ER lumen are located appropriately to N-glycosylate nascent polypeptide.
Streams that flow beneath melting glaciers leave long ridges of layered sediments, known as Esker. Eskers are formed within ice-walled tunnels by streams which flowed within and under glaciers. They tended to form around the time of the glacial maximum when the glacier was slow and sluggish and after the retaining ice walls melted away, stream deposits remained as long winding ridges.