1, 1863, three years into the war. ... Now the war was about ending slavery, which led to the tide changing in favor of the Union under the leadership of Ulysses S. Grant. The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free all slaves, just those living in Confederate states. Hope that helped!!
I believe 1 is D because it’s the most one that makes sense
Correct Answer: Vladimir the Great
Vladimir the Great was the Grand Prince of Kiev from 980 until the day he died in 1015. Although he was not the first to introduce Christianity into the Kievan Rus region (today Ukraine and Russia), he was the one who cemented it as the majoritarian religion in the area after his baptism in 988, ordering the end of paganism in the area (not without certain opposition). He unified most of this region unider his mandate.
As for the reason he chose Orthodox Christianity, it is somewhat shrouded in legend. The popular tale says that he sent emissaries to learn about the religions of neighboring. When they came back, he didn't like what he heard about the restrictions Islam and Judaism imposed, and he didn't find anything interesting in what was said of Westen Christianity. Instead, he was marveled by his emissaries tales of the Orthodox temples, as they said "they didn't know whether they were in heaven or Earth". As for the more historically accurate version, it is said that he converted in part as part of a military pact.
The Framers included the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution because they believed that the national government needed to have more power than the state governments had. They felt that the state governments had previously had too much power and that the country would be better off if the national government were more powerful.
First, the Framers felt that there would be no point in having a country if the federal government’s laws were not supreme. If the states could pass laws that would override the national laws, there would be no real sense in which the states were united. The Union would essentially just be a confederation in which all states were sovereign.
Hope this helped ;)
1.The correct answer is B. Consumers and producers
In a free market, producers choose what to produce depending on the demands of consumer. Consumers have the choice on what to consume. This is in contrast to a planned economy where the government makes the production decision.
2. The correct answer is C. From railroad to horse drawn carriage to automobile