Situation #1: Imagine you work at the Art Institute of Chicago and today you are responsible for setting up a new display of pri
celess paintings that are on loan to the museum. These painting must be kept in an environment where the relative humidity must be kept at 65% and the air temperature must be kept at 68°「20°C). To maintain this environment, the gallery has a whole room humidifier unit attached to the furnace to keep the humidity at 65% all winter. Late in the night, you receive an emergency phone call from the museum alerting you to a large drop in the humidity of the gallery. The humidifier has malfunctioned and the hygrometers in the room are now measuring a relative humidity of 26% Questions:+- I. What is the saturation vapor pressure (SVP) in the art gallery? 2. What is the vapor pressure in the art gallery when the relative humidity dropped to 269070 3. What was the dewpoint temperature in the art gallery when the relative humidity dropped to 26%? As you rush to the gallery, you stop by the store and buy a humidifier to place in the room to help raise the humidity while the maintenance crew fixes the humidifier attached to the furnace. After, 10 minutes for running your humidifier, the alarm turns off once the relative humidity gets to 50%. By how much did you increase the vapor pressure in the room by raising the relative humidity from 26% to 50%?