Los ricos vivían en una casa unifamiliar<span> que se llamaba </span>domus<span>. Los más humildes habitaban en casas de pisos, llamadas </span>insulae<span> (islas).</span>
<span>The meter (or foot)
that accounts for the most of "Emily Dickinson," by Wendy Cope is
dactylic meter characterized by an accented syllable followed by two unaccented
syllables ( marked: / ᵕ ᵕ ). She used verse form called double dactyl
as there are two stanzas (each have three lines) written with dactylic dimeter
(line of verse consisted of two dactylic metrical feet). </span>
Father hunts and provides food for his wife and family.
malnutrition, not being taken care of right, when a child is not taken care of right it leads to problems when they grow up