Colonization ruptured many ecosystems, bringing in new organisms while eliminating others. The Europeans brought many diseases with them that decimated Native American populations. Colonists and Native Americans alike looked to new plants as possible medicinal resources.
It is the reporting of sensationalism usually in the form of attention-grabbing headlines which are generally preposterous and obviously not well researched if at all. A large part of social media is yellow journalism, sometimes equated with “citizen journalism.” In some cases it takes a more subtle form as for example when an organization publishes or broadcasts a block-buster story without authenticating it and without indicating that it has not been verified. There are any number of tabloids that practice it for commercial reasons. These are known in the industry as “supermarket tabloids” or “rag sheets” or just “rags.” Some are better disguised and are made to look legitimate. Examples are the Weekly World News, the Sun and the NY Post. Most major supermarket tabloids in the U.S. are published by American Media, Inc. including the National Enquirer, Star, The Globe and the National Examiner.
Answer:The Treaty of Versailles was justifiable given the actions of the German government during World War I but it was unwise because of its punishment of the German people it created the conditions for World War II.
They traded with one another