What is true about MOST Holocaust survivors?
a. Most were unable to lead normal lives, ending up confined to psych
"D" Spain, trust me, I know USATestPrep.
Please give brainly
During the Age of Discovery (also known as the Age of Exploration), which took place from around the 15th Century until about the 18th Century, the following explorers took respective routes to observe the paired locations:
Christopher Columbus to the Americas
Corte Real to Newfoundland
Da Gama to India
Cabral to Brazil
Tasman to New Zealand
Magellan to Straits of Magellan
Janszoon to Australia
Balboa to the Pacific Ocean
James Cook to Hawaii and Antarctica
The Germans reacted to the Treaty of Versailles with horror and outrage.
Feelings of injustice: The German leaders did not feel that they alone had caused the war. They felt that they should have been involved in treaty negotiations.
Reparations: Many Germans felt that these were unfair and that Germany could not afford to pay as its economy had been crippled by the cost of fighting the First World War.
Loss of territory: The loss of territory was deeply resented by the German people. Some Germans were now living in countries ruled by foreign governments. The Saar, an important industrial area, was now controlled by the League of Nations but had effectively been taken over by France.
The League of Nations: Germany felt further insulted by not being invited to join the League of Nations.
Military terms: The Germans felt that an army of 100,000 was too small for a country of Germany's size. The army was a symbol of Germany's pride.
War guilt cause: The Germans did not believe that they alone were responsible for the outbreak of the First World War.
Hope this helped!