So history does not repeat itself
If genocide is recognized and people know how bad it is, it will be less likely to happen. As the saying goes, "whoever fails to learn from history is forced to repeat it"
Examine the behavior of those who vote and those who do not. Understand the sociological and psychological factors that affect voting and voter behavior. – Voters are influenced by sociological factors such as income, occupation,education, gender, age, religion, ethnic background, geography, and family.
Answer: The constitutional/federal amendment process must be proposed by Congress/2/3 majority vote from the House Of Representatives, or by 2/3 of state legislatures.
Miranda v. Arizona
In Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court ruled that detained criminal suspects, prior to police questioning, must be informed of their constitutional right to an attorney and against self-incrimination.
Explanation: Generally A Constitutional rights are the protections and liberties guaranteed to the people by the U.S. Constitution. Many of these rights are outlined in the Bill of Rights, such as the right to free speech and the right to a speedy and public trial And A Protecting Rights are To protect human rights is to ensure that people receive some degree of decent, humane treatment. Because political systems that protect human rights are thought to reduce the threat of world conflict, all nations have a stake in promoting worldwide respect for human rights...