Answer: B.
Seal has many definitions but none of them is a synonym of explores
A keepsake is more of an item than anything, a tradition is some ritual passed down, e.g. we celebrate Christmas on the 26th. A keepsake would be a specific tree ornament that has been in the family for years.
To haul denotes pulling something away from somewhere. To send denotes pushing something away from you.
A splashdown is in fact a type of landing, one made by spacecraft when returning to earth. Hope this helps!
Computer-mediated Communication
Don't be afraid of the word "racist"
Call out loved ones when they say or do racist things
Don't make the trials and tribulations of minorities all about you
Apologize if you need to
Racist jokes aren't funny, so don't laugh
Stop saying that you "don't see color"
Get to know Black history
Approach the legacy of Martin Luther King...