All except It makes a company look modern.
Have you tried turning it off and back on.Try that if that does not work then try debugging it
Well it really depends on what you are creating. But the most effective app for me for creating photos is Visco.
Written in Python:
hours = int(input("Hours: "))
mins = int(input("Minutes: "))
result = hours * 60 + mins
print("Result: "+str(result)+" minutes")
This line prompts user for hours
hours = int(input("Hours: "))
This line prompts user for minutes
mins = int(input("Minutes: "))
This line calculates the required output
result = hours * 60 + mins
This line prints the required output in minutes
print("Result: "+str(result)+" minutes")
The answer is "Option A".
The elliptical curve cryptography system needs much shorter keys for cryptography, and it is very powerful because of the RSA cryptography method. It is also known as a key of 1024-bit, which is in comparison is equal to the 160-bit ECC key for cryptographic, that's why other options are not correct, which is defined as follows:
- In option B, It is higher the ECC key system, that's why it's wrong.
- In option C, It is a part of the RSA system but its value doesn't match the ECC system, that's why it is wrong.
- In option D, It's valued is just double to the RSA system, that's why it is wrong.