Part of the story is that photography, film, and television made it possible to present ... In doing so, she finds the book behind Montag's pillow and tries to call ... Montag asks how someone like Clarisse could exist, and Beatty says the ... altogether in favor of other, more superficial, sensory-stimulating media.
All you have to do is restate your topic sentence but in a different way and make your point more clear.
action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately: you should remain calm and not respond to provocation | he burst into tears at the slightest provocation.
• Law action or speech held to be likely to prompt physical retaliation: the assault had taken place under provocation
The question said a "random" sample which means that she doesn't know if the curfew of the sample tells her father that other people's curfews are earlier (eg. 8 o'clock), thus persuading her father to change her curfew an hour earlier which is not good for her.
She should organize specific data telling here father that other people have curfews later than 9.