I would say A because the first sentence is comparing the two sports while the second sentence is contrasting the two sports. Hope this helps!
50 words for each question.
Bassanio's decision to choose the lead casket shows that one must not judge things or people by their appearance.
Cooking is a skill that you obtain through long days of practicing, for some it comes easy, for others not so much. Back nearly 5000 years ago men sat in caves cooking with sticks and stones and now we evolved and have so much knowledge and so many different ways of preparing food. More goes into it than throwing in a egg and some flour.. There are many actions you have to do as well such as stirring, mixing , and baking. My conclusion being that cooking is difficult .
This passage speaks mostly about Banquo's astute understanding of how the agents of evil work: they tell the truth about things that don't matter. Then they betray us in things that really do matter.
Which answer is closest to that interpretation? It certainly isn't B. There is no mention of Banquo's children. Nor of his children becoming kings.
C is possible. But there is no mention of Duncan at all. He says nothing about how Macbeth will go beyond being Thane of Cawdor. Just that there is something beyond the Thane of Cawdor.
D is not in support of murdering Duncan to get the throne. Banquo never was in favor of killing Duncan and he won't be when Macbeth does the grisly deed.
That leaves A. The remark I put at the beginning says just about what Banquo says in the passage.