Duplicate tuples are not allowed in a relation because the specifications of the constraints of the regional integrity are violated, especially the main constraint that states that there can be no identical values for the attributes of two tuples at any database relation state.
Also, duplicate tuples are not allowed in a relation due to the fact that they lead to redundancy of the data base which in turn, slowing down the speed of the database when data processing such as inserting, querying, updating, deleting, etc are being performed.
Here are the main functions of an operating system:
1) Manage the resources of the device
The operating system controls how much of each resource is distributed, and it controls things like the processing unit and memory.
2) Establish a interface for the user of the device
The operating system must classify what the classes of the script/code have to do and what they implement.
3) Service application software
The operating system must service each application that is downloaded onto the device. It must balance it's use of storage between apps.
Cyber security can be used for good but nevertheless some people will find ways to do bad things. Basically the negative impacts of cyber security is the opposite to the good type of cyber security they take advantage of it and exploit computer system to do what they want. An example to this is planting a malware on the victim's computer or using a DDOS attack on a WiFi router the possibility are endless.