Poe is a very complex writer who loves to experiment and the poem "The Raven" is a valid proof of Poe's understanding of symbols in universal literature and his wish to explore and have control upon words and rhythm. The repetition of the word 'nevermore' comes to amplify the elegy that mourns the loss of the beloved Lenore. The effects the long vowels produce are shivering the readers' heart. Lord Byron himself experimented the play upon sounds in his poems before. Raven is the metamorphosis of a tragic love, a favourite symbol of death in many pieces of literature from ancient times. The visual contrast of a white bust like a ghost to the dark black raven in a "bleak" December, like in Dickens's "Bleak House", reinforce the tone of mourning a dear person.
In point of rhyme composition, the poem is fully based on Elisabeth Barretts' sophisticated rhythm and rhyme of "Lady's Geraldine Courtship" poem. The rhyme scheme is ABCBBB. The heavy use of alliteration, "doubting dreamy dreams..." plays huge role in the musicality of this beautiful narrative poem of 18 stanzas in which every B line rhymes with the obsessive "nevermore".
This story shows us that humans are messed up and broken, but even in the most broken of states, our humanity can shine through. The narrator is broken down and in a bad place, but still feels remorse about the state he's left his kids in. This person celebrates that one of their daughters is doing alright, but they don't want to mess things up for her by moving in with her. Their humanity and love for their children is shown in this, even though they're all messed up.
I won't write 100 words for the answer but the theme is the process of becoming.
A. It proved to audiences that it was possible for
movies to use technology to create exciting