Participle phrase using a present verb phrase
Let s(i),k denote the substring s(i)s(i+1)...s k. Let Opt(k) denote whether the sub-string s1,k can be segmented using the words in the dictionary, namely (k) =1 if the segmentation is possible and 0 otherwise. A segmentation of this sub-string s1,k is possible if only the last word (say si k) is in the dictionary theremaining substring s1,i can be segmented.
Therefore, we have equation:Opt(k) = max Opt(i) 0<i<k and s(i+1),kis a word in the dictionary
We can begin solving the above recurrence with the initial condition that Opt(0) =1 and then go on to comput eOpt(k) for k= 1, 2. The answer correspond-ing to Opt(n) is the solution and can be computed in Θ(n2) time.
When do you Uber out of school
The book Night is written in first person
Hope this helps :)