Aguadulce<span> is a province located in Panama. It is considered as an agricultural city. The name Aguadulce means 'freshwater.' There is also an aguadulce located in California and Seville, Spain. But nevertheless, the two leading industries of aguadule are more of agricultural use and sugar cane plantation. It also known for its salt production through sea water evaporation. They are developed because of the its location and taking advantage over its resources.</span><span>
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1. tenga dos camas
2. sea cálida.
3. es atrevida.
4. no sepa más de dos lenguajes.
5. tienen ventilador.
6. hablé inglés
7. sube montañas.
8. se llama Eurobuilding
9. es latino.
10. es cómoda
estaba llorando
Mi hermana estaba llorando cuando los bomberos nos dijeron que la casa se quemó.