De Beers
De Beers enjoyed dominant position and control of the
diamond industry. As a result, it held control of market supply and demand
dynamics and drove the diamond prices. This was as a result of massive diamond
discovery in South Africa.
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The work in the south was farming. To maintains these big farms you needed a lot of people to do the work. Since hiring people costs a lot of money they usually bought slaves to do the work for them because it was cost proficient. The north focused more on industry working and factories so people had a lot of jobs and there wasn't really a big need for slaves. That's why when the north wanted to abolish slavery the south didn't agree because most of their farms were maintained by slaves. Thus the Civil War happened.
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Explanation: Because I think I learned about this.
Culrural relativism
This idea was first originated in the anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students.
It suggests that a person's behaviour cannot rightly be evaluated by a culture outside of his own. In other words, to understand ones behaviour, it should be analyzed paying attention to his culture.