The correct answer is option b.
The terms of trade is the ratio at which two countries exchange their goods. It is the ratio of exports and imports of a country. Terms of trade reflect the health of the economy.
It measures the number of goods a country can import in exchange for the goods it is exporting.
An increase in the price of exported goods will increase the terms of trade for a country. While an increase in the price of imported goods will cause it to decline.
The company is authorized to issue 209,000 shares which represent maximum shares that can be issued. Authorized shares is the maximum number of shares a company can issue and this is stated in the corporate charter.
budget software
The spreadsheet is also the same as Excel. It used to organize and analyze expenses and identify how your expenses can be reduced
Mint© is an online expensive tracking device, that can be used to track credit score and manage expenses.
Budget software is budgeting and expensive tracking device. It can be used to track credits cards and bank account
Mvelopes® is an online expensive tracking device that is used in taking care of the budget.
The correct answer is A. Both Laura and Cassie are correct.
Since Laura says that the present value of $ 700 to be received one year from today if the interest rate is 6 percent is less than the present value of $ 700 to be received two years from today if the interest rate is 3 percent, and Cassie says that $ 700 saved for one year at 6 percent interest has a smaller future value than $ 700 saved for two years at 3 percent interest, to determine who is right, the following calculations must be performed:
700 x 1.06 = 742
700 x 1.03 ^ 2 = 742.63
Therefore, both Laura and Cassie are correct in their claims.