The 14 amendment granted all people born or naturalized in the US citizenship even slaves but, this didn't grant equality of races.
Okay so, 1. Over 25,000 Miles long. 2. 75% 3. Crustal 4. Subduction 5. Japan 6. 3000 miles away 7. ( Not sure ) 8. Ring of Fire
Hope it helps!
The king is not the most important piece because it is rarely used, like in the feudal system, where his knights and peasants do most of the work, like knights and pawns on a chess board.
All you need is some knowledge about chess, and feudalism.
In feudal Europe, the monarchy (mainly the king) gave out pieces of land to nobles and aristocrats and taxed them. They would then live in the land, and give it out to knights and peasants. The peasants would be taxed in money and crops in return for the housing and farmland. The knights would generally be given more land, but not by much, and they would protect the land they live on, and if called on by the king, would leave and protect the kingdom. The king got rich, while his pawns worked and died in his name.
The British colonization of the Americas (including colonization by both the English and the Scots) began in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia, and reached its peak when colonies had been established throughout the Americas. The English, and later the British, were among the most important colonizers of the Americas, and their American empire came to rival the Spanish American colonies in military and economic might.
Three types of colonies were established in the English overseas possessions in America of the 17th century and continued into the British Empire at the height of its power in the 17th century. These were charter colonies, proprietary colonies, and royal colonies. A group of 13 British American colonies collectively broke from the British Empire in the 1770s through a successful revolution, establishing the modern United States. After the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1803–15), the remaining British territories in North America were slowly granted more responsible government. In 1838 the Durham Report recommended full responsible government for Canada, but this was not fully implemented for another decade. Eventually, with the Confederation of Canada, the Canadian colonies were granted significant autonomy and became a self-governing Dominion in 1867. Other colonies in the Americas followed at a much slower pace. In this way, two countries in North America, ten in the Caribbean, and one in South America have received their independence from Great Britain or the later United Kingdom. All of these, except the United States, are members of the Commonwealth of Nations and nine are Commonwealth realms. The eight current British overseas territories in the Americas have varying degrees of self-government.
The appropriate response is scribes. Scribes are considered to be one of the important people in the history. They were prepared to compose cuneiform and record a considerable lot of the dialects talked in Mesopotamia. Without copyists, letters would not have been composed or perused, regal landmarks would not have been cut with cuneiform, and stories would have been told and afterward overlooked.