Governor Berkeley returned to power. He seized the property of several rebels for the colony and executed 23 men
by hanging, including the then-governor of Virginia, William Drummond. After an investigative committee
returned its report to King Charles II, Berkeley was relieved of the governorship, and recalled to England.
Charles II was reported to have commented, "That old fool has put to death more people in that naked country than I
did here for the murder of my father." No record of the king's comments have been found; the origin of the story
appears to have been colonial myth that arose at least 30 years after the events.Indentured servants both black and white joined the frontier rebellion. Seeing them united in a cause alarmed the
ruling class. Historians believe the rebellion hastened the hardening of racial lines associated with slavery, as a way
for planters and the colony to control some of the poor
Oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Aristotle used the term oligarchia to designate the rule of the few when it was exercised not by the best but by bad men unjustly.
Right choice:
B. The Torah is comprised of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible; the Talmud is comprised of teachings about the Torah.
The roaring twenties had a lot of exciting events, but there was a lot of things like heavy drug usage and alcohol. It was a good time, but not the “best”