Well I see no documents but I can tell you Americans wanted to expand westward they even created a thing called "Manifest Destiny"
To practice their religion without persecution
Terms in this set (22) An eighteenth century intellectual movement whose three central concepts were the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress. Enlightenment thinkers believed they could help create better societies and better people.
Walking and jumping are two real world example of newtons third law
According to newtons third law of motion every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Some common daily life examples are
a) Walking - While walking our foot presses the pathway in the backward direction while the motion is in the forward direction
b) Jumping from boat - While jumping from boat, boat is pushed in the backward direction while the movement of the jumping person is in the forward direction
The Church believes that throughout history some wars were morally right, but many wars could've and should've been avoided. The Just War Theory can be broken down into two components