This question does not make sense. If you are positive then you legally have to clarify that you are HIV positive. Please ask questions that are clear and concise. If it is a riddle then please do not put the question into the health category. Thanks.
Answer: focus on the future, not on past mistakes or failures; become an expert in selected areas; and develop a positive mental attitude
The self-concept is the thought or thinking process related to a person to own self. The person thinks about own behavior, uniqueness, abilities and relationship with others. The self-concept is like a picture of the individual for own self and interaction of oneself with the surrounding environment.
The self-concept is related to the relationship strategies. This will affect on the focus on the future needs as which relationship will retain and remain for long time, the person will also think about the mistakes that were committed in the past, the person will become selective in terms of selecting the right choice for relationship and must also maintain the positive mental attitude.
Answer D. is not true.....
ok so:
>> Instant zone activity (Include time spent)
Face book 25 min
TV 1 hr
Spent money on unnecessary stuff
Browsed through public apps (1 hr)
..stuff like that, continue the rest of the boxes
>> Lasting zone activity (Include time spent)
Reading 1 hr
Homework 2 hrs
Went to workout 2 hrs
I'm more responsible with my money
Start with your producers, or plants (grasses, flowers, etc.). Then your 1st level consumers (herbivores), like grasshoppers, mice, etc. Then your second level producers (carnivores and omnivores) that eat the herbivores (like birds). And keep going, knowing each of the levels get eaten by each other. 10% of energy is transferred in each level. An example might be...
Grass > Mice > Hawk > Vulture