The force between them is such that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. For example, two positive charges brought near each other will be pushed away from each other. On the other hand, one positive charge and one negative charge brought near each other will be pulled towards each other.
The Framers wanted it to be relatively easy to consider changes to the Constitution. Yet they wanted proposed changes to be carefully considered.They also wanted to be sure that Amendments had the full support of the nation.Therefore, it is more difficult to ratify an Amendment and make it into law than it is to propose, or suggest, it.
The Mycenaeans controlled the country of Greece, as well as Turkey and the surrounding islands in the Aegean Sea.
After the explosion of the USS Maine, the US public was whipped up into an anti-Spanish hysteria. Despite Spain's desire to avoid war and President William McKinley's distaste for war, the yellow press continued feeding the public's appetite for anti-Spanish news. Hawks like then-Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt loudly criticized the reluctant McKinley for being weak and afraid.