Answer: The Great Depression began in the United States in 1929 and it spread nation wide. It was longest lasting and most severe economic downfall in our modern History. It was marked with the start of steep declines in industiral production and in the deflation of prices and money and the stick markets, which eventually crashed. it left many people homeless or in severe debt.
I believe the answer is: Sociopolitical
Sociopolitical perspective refers to a psychological perspective that explain human behaviour after considering both the social situation where people grow up along with governmental system that implemented within the society. It views the role of both families and the power holder as the main factors that shape how people think.
The Hippocratic oath is an ancient Greek oath and the first explicit expression of medical ethics. It is still a simbolic ritual for many novel doctors nowadays. It involves promises made by new doctors, for instance, related to confidentiality with the patients and to the principle of non-maleficence. This principle of non-maleficence states that it is preferable not to harm the patient to a greater extent, than to do good to him/her.
The Declaration of Geneva was adopted in 1948 as a revision of the Hippocratic Oath, aiming to adapt it to modern times. It has been subsequently amended in 1968, 1983, 1994 and 2017.
One important change between the two of them, is the replacement of the idea of "life and health" contained in the first, by just "health" of the patient as the doctort's main consideration. These somehow reflects a change of mentality in the society and in the profession, as it discards the idea of extending life at all costs.
<span>In the 1920's the agricultural products were at their boom. Mechanization was introduced to improve farm technology. But lack of demand brought surplus products in the hands of farmers, prices fell. Farmers became loan defaulters resulting in poor performance in rural banks. But business boomed. There were more production and purchase of machines and electrical appliances through credit system and installment purchase which resulted in bankruptcy.</span>