Texting and e-mail have made communication very fast.
Texting and e-mail have made communication very expensive.
FALSE. Texting can be expensive, depending on your cell phone plan, but email isn't.
Texting and e-mail have made communication very fast.
TRUE. These are 2 ways to communicate instantaneously with other people, no matter where they are.
People write and send more letters through the mail than ever before.
FALSE. Just check the amount of letters you receive at home. Do you communicate more with your friends and family by regular mail or by electronic means?
People seldom communicate because they spend a lot of time on the Internet.
FALSE. Well, time spent on the Internet is often time spent communicating with friends and families (think social networks).
An example of legislation being used to liberate lgbtq+ civil rights, is that in some countries, having prejudice or discriminatory actions towards people part of the lgbtq+ community is illegal, and you could be imprisoned for it. On the contrary, an example of legislation used to discriminate lgbtq+ members, is that in other countries, police tear gas and harm people who protest for the rights to be lgbtq+.
Reconstruction (1865-1877), the turbulent era following the Civil War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 million newly-freed people into the United States.
In the 1800's, Border Ruffians and Free Soilers both wanted to A) influence the territorial elections in Kansas. The Border Ruffians wanted slavery to exist in Kansas, while the Free Soilers were in favor of abolishing slavery in Kansas. We can say that they wanted to achieve this through territorial elections in the state.
The correct answer is "Elected leaders were capable of abusing their power."
For Lyndon B. Johnson, he abused the powers given to him in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by the United States Congress. His massive escalation in Vietnam despite the lack of US success shows how he abused his executive power.
For Richard Nixon, he tried to cover up a huge break in to the Democratic National Convention headquarters at the Watergate complex. He tried to use the excuse of "executive privilege" as a means to keep his recorded conversations from the American public.