The Cold War was important because it split the world into two rival sides that came into conflict with each other in a number of places around the world. This conflict has left us with, among other things, a huge aresenal of nuclear weapons, particularly in the US and in Russia.
Green Party or Democratic Party; it depends.
The Green Party absolutely is "liberal" and are progressives. Jill Stein was a progressive candidate much like Bernard Sanders, and she ran in the 2016 election under the green party ticket.
The Democratic Party has largely fallen from grace. It has become centrist, more right leaning, and corporatist. You can say it's liberal, but that would mostly be factually inaccurate
Third Party doesn't necessarily mean liberal because it is a term for a party that is not Democrat or Republican. The Libertarian Party, Green Party, and Tea Party are all third party organizations
The Republican Party is an obvious one.
The people in these times regarded the system regarded these as inferior due to the fact that they had the colonial mentality and felt inferior to the whites.
<h3>The reason the people regarded these things as inferior</h3>
This was because they had been filled with the mentality that the white man's ways were better.
Before they were colonized, they already had their systems in place. They had their ways of writing, dressing and also had war equipment like the Lantakas.
Read more on Philippines here:
The name of the device is the <span>Fessenden oscillator. It was made to allow submarines to communicate through Morse code. This way they could avoid communication being intercepted.</span>
I believe the Washington Redskins will end up changing their name because in todays day & age people are very very sensitive about race, and 'redskins' is in a sense innapropriate, the same as calling an Asian person Yellow & so on so forth. I believe to further be acceptable the Washington Redskins will change their name in the near future with enough complaints.