Because Odysseus was the king of Ithaca and he returned appearing to be the exact opposite.
1 is probably C 2 is maybe D 3 is certainly D and thats all I got fam
<span>B.) Return to their home
</span><span>D.) The night is clear enough to see the sky.
</span><span>C.) perfect
</span><span>B.) The family looked at stars.
these are the answers i would use
hope that i helped!</span>
f/ first one
i think so it makes more sense in the question that is asked
Here is the correct answer of the given question above. The sentence <span>rom "The Lady, or the Tiger” that is </span>an example of building suspense is this: She knew in which of the two rooms, that lay behind those doors, stood the cage of the tiger, with its open front, and in which waited the lady. Suspense is the part of the story which makes the reader uncertain of what is going to happen next. Hope this answer helps.