The Jane Eyre characters covered include: Jane Eyre, Edward Rochester, St. John ... Eliza Reed, John Reed, Helen Burns, Mr. Brocklehurst, Maria Temple, Miss Scatcherd, ... and devoted solely to an austere ambition, St. John serves as a foil to Edward Rochester. ... After Mrs. Reed dies, Georgiana marries a wealthy man.
There must have been cracks in that concrete for something to grow out or the concrete was thin
Onomatopoeia is when words sound like what they mean. In this case, tlot tlot are the sounds of the hoof beats. Good luck!
Hmm... I know a couple.
1. 'the boy who cried wolf'. You can find it by its name.
2. 'the apes and the two travelers'. You can find it by its name.
3. 'ice in the forest'. You can find it by searching up 'ice in the forest fable'.