Odysseus went to war for ten years in Athens, He then had to sail back home from said war after he had won. It took Odysseus another ten years to get back home, through his twenty years away his wife was loyal to him and was waiting for him to return. Odysseus, Loyal? AHAHAHA. Anyways Odysseus could technically be called a hero by saving his crew from Polyphemus the cyclops, from the sirens and sea monsters to the oracle. He is most definitely flawed, he cheated multiple times, let good men die, etc
a hope or ambition of achieving something.
"the needs and aspirations of the people"
Here are some of the ways the families are significant, I'm not sure how far you are in the story yet tho. I read this book last year, so I can't remember which parts these are from
1) The way they have 2 children to a family, one male and one female
2) Raising children were rules in the community
3) The parents aren't the real birth givers of the children, you had to apply for kids
4) Very controlled family with special practices
Hope this helps! (I believe it's all before chapter 10)
B) The Department of Homeland Security recently updated their Web site.