First of all, we should know that domain specific words are those are low frequency and content-specific. So, in this sentence we know that the topic being discussed is a restaurant, so domain-specific words will be those that are used frequently in relation to restaurants.
These are: hostess, waiter, menu
It’s kinda like figurative language but it’s not literal. The term “Summer spoke to me” most likely meant, reaching but not in a literal way.
Public speaking is like any skill. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Here is the only advice you need: Make eye contact with your listeners. Even if you’re nervous, nobody will know. If your audience sees you looking at them, they’ll look back and connect with you.
Start by reviewing your journal entry to make sure you have used specific details from the text to support your defense. Make sure you have at least two or three details.
Then, record a video of yourself pretending to be Zachariah’s lawyer. Pretend your revised journal entry is your "opening statement" in the trial and you are speaking to the jury and the judge.
Use any video recording device available to you. A cell phone or a webcam is perfect. Be sure to speak clearly and maintain appropriate eye contact. You might even practice with a friend, a parent, or in front of a mirror first.
If you don’t have the equipment and can’t record and upload a video, give the speech to a friend, a parent, or just a mirror. When you’re done, write a reflection in your journal about your experience. Consider what you did well and what you might do differently next time. The reflection should be about 150 words.