Femur: Greater trochanter-Gluteal tuberosity. Humerus: Coronoid fossa-Intertubercular sulcus-Trochlea-Lesser tubercle-Deltoid tuberosity-Olecranon fossa. Both, femur and humerus: Medial epicondyle-Capitulum-Intercondylar fossa-Lateral epicondyle-Head.
Further Explanation:
femurs or femora, or thigh bone, is the proximal bone of the hindlimb in tetrapod vertebrates. The head of thefemur explains with the hip bone socket in the pelvic bone framing the hip joint, while the distal piece of the femurarticulates with the tibia and kneecap shaping the knee joint.
The humerus is the long bone in the upper arm. It is situated between the elbow joint and the shoulder. At the elbow, it associates essentially to the ulna, as the lower arm's outspread bone interfaces with the wrist. At the shoulder, the humerus associates with the edge of the body by means of the glenoid fossa of the scapula.
Femur or humerus:
Humerus is situated in the upper arm, while femur is found in the upper leg. The length and the normal breadth of the femur are higher than that of humerus.Femur is the biggest bone in the body while humerus is the second biggest. Femur is more grounded than humerus.
humerus and the femur comparative:
The humerus and the femur are relating bones of the arms and legs, separately. While their parts are comparable by and large, their structure has been adjusted to contrasting capacities. The leader of the humerus is practically hemispherical, while that of the femur shapes around 66% of a circle.
Subject: biology
Level: college
Keywords: femurs, humerus, femur or humers, humerus and the femur comparative.
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