The correct answers are A, D and E. The major topics contained in Washington’s constitution are citizen's rights, government structure and government responsibilities.
The current Constitution of Washington entered into force in 1889, created prior to the elevation of Washington to the status of state. The Legislative Power of Washington can propose amendments to the Constitution, and to be approved, they need to receive at least two thirds of the votes of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the state, and then, two thirds of the votes of the electorate of the state. Washington, through a referendum. Amendments can also be made through constitutional conventions, which are special political meetings. The amendments made in this way need to be approved by at least 51% of each House of Legislative Power, and then, by at least 60% of the state's electoral population, in a referendum.
Abraham Lincolin is the 16 president of the United States of America
tbh idk
i think he was a great guy idk lol
The battle of Marne was the first battle in WWI that used taxis/ cabs and it was in France.
Hope that helps
Yo moms house was made in 1978 and you where born in 2002