The first test in that series, the Bravo test, took place on March 1, 1954. Bravo was a device using Lithium Deuteride as its fuel and the explosion yielded 15 megatons, the largest bomb ever exploded by the United States. The bomb was in a form readily adaptable for delivery by an aircraft and was thus America's first weaponized hydrogen bomb.
I want to say option A: Crops is your answer.
Merry Christmas
Chronological thinking is the foundation of historical reasoning—the ability to examine relationships among historical events and to explain historical causality
The two inventors that contributed to the rise of the railroad industry was Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison. The correct answer is A.
I assume it's "sordid". Custer and Singleton as people, Hydraulic mining is important but doesn't seem right. Ghost dance is a tradition so it may honestly be Ghost dance or Sordid