d. dark ages if i'm wrong i'm sorry
The correct statements are as followed:
"The court came to a unanimous decision"- In the Brown vs. Board case, the Supreme Court justices voted 9-0 in favor of Brown.
" Th court ruled that segregated schools deprived people of equal protection of the laws"- The Supreme Court justices argued that the concept of "separate but equal" violated the Equal Protection clause of the 14th amendment. This amendment states that all citizens need to be treated equally in the eyes of the law.
"The court found that segregation was unconstitutional"- This ruling found that segregation is illegal and that "separate but equal" facilities are inherently unequal.
See below
The cold war was the period following World War II when the two superpowers of the day, the Soviet Union and the United States, were economic, political, and military adversaries.
The red star was a symbol of communism, the Soviet Union, and the Red Army.
The Red Army controlled the republics of the Soviet Union, brutally suppressing any dissent.
"A million people in the streets" refers to protest marches against communism around the world. It reminds me of the gathering of a million protesters in New York City in 1982
"The tanks have left, the walls torn down" refers to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989-1990. The hated wall prevented Soviet citizens from escaping to the American side.
"Live no more in fear and shame" and "Hear no more the screams of pain" refer to the Communist Party losing its monopoly on state power in 1990. Relaxed controls on the press and on dissent led the republics of the Soviet Union to declare their autonomy from Moscow, with some withdrawing from the Union entirely.
I did the assignment on edge.