In Beowulf, he is a flat character, but in Grendel, he is a round character.
In Beowulf, Grendel is nothing but a mere monster, brainless, with no actual motivation other than to cause pain to people. We don't know much about him apart from the fact that he likes to kill.
On the other hand, Grendel in Grendel is different - he has human qualities, we can clearly see what his motivation is, and he almost seems more human than actual humans.
Option-C (It aides the reader in predicting future events in the story)
Foreshadowing is a literary device which is used by the writers as a hint or indicate what will happen in the future story or event.
Foreshadowing provides a suggestion about the future story and not the outcome of the story.
This could be expressed through the direct clue, indirect clue, symbolism and prophecy in the story.
In the given question, the foreshadowing will aid the reader in picturing the events that have to happen in the future.
Thus, Option-C is the correct answer.
Please include the options in your question.
The answer is B. It starts off by asking whether they should take classes they don’t like but wanders off to things such as hall passes and study time.
Icarus character trait is controlling, mean