The answer should be the Gospels.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es ls siguiente.
A pesar de que no se incluyen opciones o incisos para responder a esta pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Las actitudes que contribuyen a convivir con la diversidad son las siguientes.
Primero que nada, el respeto. Sin respeto a la diversidad en las personas, no podemos avanzar en el tema.
La siguiente actitud es la tolerancia. La tolerancia va de la mano con el respeto.
La tercera actitud es la compresión, la cual nos permite mostrar compasión por las ideas de los demás.
La cuarta actitud es la empatía, sí, el ponernos en el lugar de la otra persona para saber el por qué piensa y actúa de determinada manera o diferente a la nuestra.
Una última actitud pudiera ser la reciprocidad, entendiendo que lo que nosotros ofrezcamos, es vamos a recibir de los demás.
Diversity is like people and how different we are. Unity is when we unite. Unity in diversity is speaking about how we need to come together and help each other even though we have our differences.
<h3>As we human have organs, which have different functions. Same goes for the UNO( United Nations Organizations). </h3>
It also has six main organs. These are :
- General Assembly
- Security Council
- Economics and Social Council
- Trusteeship Council
- International Court of Justice
- Secretariat
<h3><u>General</u><u> </u><u>Assembly</u><u> </u><u>:</u><u> </u> General Assembly is one of the biggest organ of the UNO. </h3>
Features :</h3>
- The General Assembly is empowered to make recommendations to states on international issues.
- The General Assembly is formed by all the members states of the UNO to which each member state sends five representatives.
- At the time of voting, each member state can cast only one vote.
- The session of the General Assembly is held once in a year.
- The General Assembly performs various activities through some communities.
Answer: conditional positive regard
Explanation: Conditional Positive regard refers to an act whereby an individual receives warmth, acceptance etc when some certain standards and conditions are met. For example, a parent praises a child when they receive good grades in their exams and scold vehemently when they get bad grades.
Carl Rogers believed people question themselves and experience negative effects on their self-concept when they receive "conditional positive regards".
Actually Carl Rogers is an advocate for unconditional positive regard( acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does) and he believed that unconditional positive regard is essential for healthy development.