The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the North and West. As American wages were much higher than those in Europe, especially for skilled workers, the period saw an influx of millions of European immigrants. The rapid expansion of industrialization led to real wage growth of 60% between 1860 and 1890, spread across the ever-increasing labour force. The average annual wage per industrial worker (including men, women and children) rose from $380 in 1880 to $564 in 1890, a gain of 48%. However, the Gilded Age was also an era of abject poverty and inequality as millions of immigrants—many from impoverished European nations—poured into the United States, and the high concentration of wealth became more visible and contentious
<u>Own sewage systems After the Public Health Act;</u>
The 1848 Public Health Act was the absolute first law on general wellbeing to be passed in the United Kingdom. It set up a Central Board of Health whose activity it was to improve sanitation and expectations for everyday comforts in towns and crowded territories in England and Wales.
Its motivation was to arrange past measures planned for fighting messy urban living conditions, which caused different wellbeing dangers, including the spread of numerous illnesses, for example, cholera and typhus.
In July 1842, the most significant nineteenth Century production on social change was discharged, titled, 'Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain'.
This investigation into sanitation was the mind offspring of a legal counselor, Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890). It took such huge numbers of years for the administration to move different urban areas to make their own sewage frameworks.
Leading European democracies in addition to the US were challenged by crippled economies and devastated landscapes from World War I. Governments were wanting a return to more isolation and policies which favored their own countries. In the case of Germany, they were struggling to reestablish nationalism and were unable to defend themselves as a country. As a result many people in those countries turned to alternate forms of economy and government to create solid nations once again. All countries saw a rise in socialist thinking and some countries began to move toward socialist ideology. In others especially, Italy and Germany a move toward fascism took place which put nationalism at the forefront and a build up of capitalism to secure their economic place in the world.